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ICT usage in enterprises

Istat disseminates the main findings of the survey on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in enterprises with at least 10 persons employed working in industry and services.

The data refer to the use of ICT in 2014, while those on electronic commerce, on the use of social media and on-line services offered by the Public Administration are related to previous year.

In 2014 the community survey has included a special section regarding cloud computing.

In 2014, 98.2% of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed have an Internet connection (96.8% in 2013).

95.0% of the enterprises were connected to the Internet via fixed or mobile broadband (94.8% in 2013). The use of mobile broadband is still growing, in 2014 it involves 60.0% of the enterprises (49.8% in 2013).

69.2% of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed (88.9% in the case of enterprises with at least 250 persons employed) has a website (67.3% in 2013).

31.8% of enterprises (51.9% in the case of enterprises with at least 250 persons employed) uses at least one social media (24.7% in 2013); the most popular tools among enterprises are social networks (29.3%) and multimedia content sharing websites (10.3%).

The percentage of companies active in e-commerce in 2013 was almost stable (42.5% against 44.4% in 2012). Percentage of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed having sold online their products or services increased (from 7.6% in 2012 to 8.2% in 2013), but those having bought online diminished (41.7% in 2012 and 39.6% in 2013).

Only 8.2% of businesses declare they invoice only in paper form to other companies or to the Public Administration, but the percentage of enterprises which use electronic invoicing in a format suitable for automatic processing such as EDI, UBL, XML (5.4%) was still low, while it is widespread the usage of invoicing in electronic format not suitable for automatic processing such as emails, e-mail attachment as pdf, images in TIF, JPEG or other format (56.7%).

As recorded also in previous years, the growth of the adoption of specific software for the collection and sharing with other business areas of customer information (CRM) continued: passing from 13.3% in 2009 to 23.1% in 2013 up to 28.2% in 2014.

The usage of software for automatic sharing of information between different functional areas of the enterprise (ERP) markedly increased, it actually rose from 9.7% in 2009 to 27.2% in 2013 to 37.2% in 2014.

The smaller size of the firm is the reason for missed investment in many of the technological tools analyzed, as in the case of the ERP, RFID solutions, the use of personnel specialized in ICT systems.

If the technology is more neutral and flexible with respect to the level of organizational complexity, enterprises seem to be more oriented towards the adoption of ICT tools aimed at cost savings and efficiency improvements, as in the case of cloud computing, which involve 40.1% of the companies.

Small businesses, even if they declare  in majority they have web sites (67.4%), still do not grasp the opportunities offered by on-line selling; in fact 11.5% has activated ordering systems on its website, and the only 7.3% performed in 2013 on-line sales via the web or other networks.