
Website accessibility

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Istat website accessibility

Accessibility means how a website makes it easy for all users to access its contents, regardless of any disabilities or the type of hardware or software they use.

This area is governed by Law no. 4/2004 (the Stanca Act) which, among other things, requires all public authorities to create accessible websites.

In compliance with the “Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0”  the website makes its contents accessible, using the following methods:

  1. use of semantic html;
  2. regular use of equivalent text alternatives to describe the function of each graphical element (images);
  3. regular use of text alternatives to describe video contents;
  4. use of “maps” to describe active areas in clickable images;
  5. use of spoken captions for hypertext links that keep their sense even out of the context in which they are found (for example, avoiding “click here”);
  6. use of style sheets to separate contents and presentation;
  7. taking care to make text and graphics comprehensible even when viewed in black and white;
  8. making sure that titles, lists and page structures are always coherent;
  9. choosing clear navigation mechanisms to ensure that users can find what they are looking for;
  10. publication, whenever possible, of downloadable documents in non-proprietary and editable formats;
  11. inclusion of a text-to-speech spoken summary in all pages and documents published, allowing for real-time listening.

Despite the efforts made to guarantee accessibility for all users, we are aware that some pages may still be partly inaccessible. Please therefore tell us about any problems you have accessing contents or services, by writing to