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The use of RSS feeds requires an aggregator program. FeedReader, SharpReader, RssReader, GreatNewsReader, Straw are some of the programs available for free. Simply click the right mouse button on the preferred […]
This area is governed by Law no. 4/2004 (the Stanca Act) which, among other things, requires all public authorities to create accessible websites. In compliance with the […]
Useful links to website of international organisations, statistical institute and other organisations.
Eduroam (Education Roaming) is a safe wi-fi roaming access service developed for the international research and education community. Eduroam allows students, researchers and staff from […]
This message contains confidential and/or proprietary information which is intended for use of the addressees only. Should you receive this message by mistake, you are […]
This system is based on the adoption of a series of organizational and regulatory measures and on protection, control and verification techniques, based on compliance […]
Twitter account – @istat_en – is managed by the Directorate for Communication. No automation is used to post messages (such as tools that generate tweets from RSS feeds): […]