
Methods and software of the statistical process

Process tools

Data integration

RELAIS (REcord Linkage At IStat)
Toolkit for dealing with record linkage projects.

R package for data integration through statistical matching and, as a by-product, the ability to impute missing values in a data set.

Coding of textual answers

CIRCE (Comprehensive Istat R Coding Environment)
Automated coding system for textual answers.

Detection and treatment of measurement errors and imputation of partial non-responses

Edit and imputation system for numeric and continuous variables.

CANCEIS (CANadian Census Edit and Imputation System)
Edit and imputation system based on the Nearest-neighbour Imputation Methodology (NIM). The NIM allows the simultaneous hot-deck imputation of numeric and categorical variables based on a single donor. The basic entity that is processed (the unit) can be composed of one or more sub-units of lower hierarchical level.

CONCORDJava (CONtrollo e CORrezione dei Dati version with Java interface)
Integrated system to check and correct the data (imputation). One of the modules (SCIA) implements the Fellegi-Holt Methodology to treat the inconsistencies between the values of qualitative variables.

SeleMix (Selective editing via Mixture models)
R package to treat quantitative data, which aims to identify a set of units affected by errors which potentially influence the interest estimates (selective editing).

Weighting, estimation and sampling error evaluation

EVER (Estimation of Variance by Efficient Replication)
R package for calibration, estimation and sampling error assessment in complex sample surveys, based on replication methods .

ReGenesees (R evolved Generalised software for sampling estimates and errors in surveys)
R-based software system for design-based and model-assisted analysis of complex sample surveys.