
Methods and software of the statistical process

Process methods

Data integration

MEMOBUST – Handbook on Methodology of Modern Business Statistics

State of the art on statistical methodologies for data integration
Methodological developments
ESSnet on Data Integration

Old and new approaches in statistical matching when samples are drawn with complex survey designs
in Proceedings of the SIS Conference, Padua

ISAD Work packages and executive summary
ESSnet Statistical Methodology – Area ISAD (Integration of Survey and Administrative Data)

Metodi statistici per il record linkage
Metodi e Norme, N. 16, Istat


D’Orazio, M., M. Di Zio, and M. Scanu. 2006. “Statistical Matching for Categorical Data: Displaying Uncertainty and Using Logical Constraints“. Journal of Official Statistics – JOS, Volume 22, N. 1: 137-157.

D’Orazio, M., M. Di Zio, and M. Scanu. 2006. Statistical Matching: Theory and Practice. Chichester: J. Wiley & Sons.

Coding of textual answers

Metodi e software per la codifica automatica e assistita dei dati
Tecniche e strumenti, N.4, Istat


Vicari, P. (A cura di). 2008. “L’ambiente di codifica automatica dell’ATECO 2007. Esperienze effettuate e prospettive“. Metodi e Norme, N. 41. Roma: Istat.

Macchia, S., M. Murgia, L. Mazza, G. Simeoni, F. Di Patrizio, V. Parisi, R. Petrillo, e P. Ungaro. 2005. “Una soluzione per la rilevazione e codifica della Professione nelle indagini CATI“. Contributi, N. 11. Roma: Istat.

Macchia, S., and M. D’Orazio. 2001. “A system to monitor the quality of automated coding of textual answers to open questions“. Research in Official Statistics, Volume 4, N. 2: 5-19.

Detection and treatment of measurement errors and imputation of partial non-responses

MEMOBUST – Handbook on Methodology of Modern Business Statistics
Statistical Data Editing

A Contamination Model for Selective Editing
Journal of Official Statistics. Volume 29, Issue 4, Pages 539–555.

Recommended Practices for Editing and Imputation in Cross-Sectional Business Surveys
European project EDIMBUS

Results of the EUREDIT project
Euredit – The Development and Evaluation of New Methods for Editing and Imputation
European project EUREDIT


De Wall, T., J. Pannekoek, and S. Sholtus. 2011. Handbook of Statistical Data Editing and Imputation. Hoboken, N.J.: J. Wiley & Sons.

Di Zio, M., U. Guarnera, and R. Rocci. 2007. “A mixture of mixture models for a classification problem: the unity measure error“. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, N. 51: 2573-2585.

Di Zio, M., U. Guarnera, and O. Luzi. 2005. “Editing Systematic Unity Measure Errors Through Mixture Modelling“. Survey Methodology, Volume 31, N. 1: 53-63.

Pannekoek, J., and T. De Waal. 2005. “Automatic Edit and Imputation for Business Surveys: The Dutch Contribution to the EUREDIT Project“. Journal of Official Statistics – JOS, Volume 21, N. 2: 257-286.

Särndal, C. E., and S. Lundström. 2005. Estimation in Surveys with Nonresponse. New York: J. Wiley & Sons.

Chambers, R., A. Hentges, and X. Zhao. 2004. “Robust automatic methods for outlier and error detection“. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (Statistics in society), Volume 167, Issue 2: 323-339.

Little, J., and D. Rubin. 2002. Statistical Analysis with Missing Data. New York: J. Wiley & Sons.

Chen, J., and J. Shao. 2000. “Nearest Neighbor Imputation for Survey Data“. Journal of Official Statistics, Volume 16, N. 2: 113-131.

Schafer, J. L. 2000. Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data. New York: Chapmann and Hall/CRC.

Latouche, M., and J.M. Berthelot. 1992. “Use of a Score Function to Prioritize and Limit Recontacts in Editing Business Surveys“. Journal of Official Statistics, Volume 8, N. 3: 389-400.

Little, R.J.A. 1988. “Missing-data adjustments in large surveys”. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Volume 6, N. 3: 287-296.

Rubin, D. 1987. Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys. New York: J. Wiley & Sons.

Hidiroglou, M.A., and J.M. Berthelot. 1986. “Statistical editing and imputation for periodic business surveys.” Survey Methodology, Volume 12, N. 1: 73-83.

Kalton, G., and D. Kasprzyk. 1982. “Imputing for missing survey responses“. In Proceedings of the section on Survey Research Methods, American Statistical Association.

Fellegi, P.I., and D. Holt. 1976. “A systematic approach to automatic edit and imputation”. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Volume 71, Issue 353, Application Section: 17-35.

Weighting, estimation and sampling error evaluation

MEMOBUST – Handbook on Methodology of Modern Business Statistics
Weighting and Estimation

Results of the SAE project
SAE – Small Area Estimation

Note metodologiche, Istat

Stime ed Errori
Note metodologiche, Istat


Falorsi, S., C. De Vitiis, L. Di Consiglio, C. Ceccarelli, A. Cutillo, e C. Rinaldelli. 2008. “Strategia di campionamento e precisione delle stime”. In “L’indagine europea sui redditi e le condizioni di vita delle famiglie (Eu-Silc)“. Metodi e Norme, N. 37. Roma: Istat.

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Deville, J.C., and C.E. Särndal. 1992. “Calibration Estimators in Survey Sampling”. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Volume 87, Issue 418, Theory and Method: 376-382.

Särndal, C.E., B. Swensson, and J. Wretman. 1992. Model Assisted Survey Sampling. New York: Springer-Verlag.

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