
Methods and software of the statistical process

Process phase

For the Process phase the most important information elements about the following sub-processes are shown:

Section pages for Process phase

Record linkage is an important process for the integration of data coming from different sources. The purpose of record linkage is to identify the same real world entity that can be differently represented in data sources, even if unique identifiers are not available or are affected by errors.
The coding activity is generally performed in case the survey questionnaire contains textual variables that refer to official classifications that allow for national and/or international data comparability. Example of this kind of variables are Economic Activity (NACE), Occupation, Education, Places (of birth, of residence, etc.).
Partial non-responses (PNR) and measurement errors are specific types of non-sampling errors which are generally treated in the editing and imputation phase.
The activities concerning the production of target estimates and the evaluation of sampling errors refer to sub-process 5.6 “Calculate weights” and 5.7 “Calculate aggregates” of GSBPM.
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