

Quality guidelines

The Quality Guidelines developed by Istat contain the basic principles for planning, implementing and assessing statistical processes and a description of methods for ensuring compliance with these principles. They represent the benchmark for assessing the quality of processes carried out by Istat.

Quality Guidelines for statistical processes using administrative sources

The Quality Guidelines for statistical processes using administrative sources (version 1.1 of August 2016) contain the principles for the acquisition and integration of administrative data and for the dissemination of statistics from administrative sources. They are divided in three parts: the first part illustrates the principles of acquisition and quality assessment of input data; the second part analyses the steps involved in the production process; the third part focuses on the output quality.

Quality Guidelines for statistical process

The Quality Guidelines for statistical process (version 1.1 of December 2012) illustrates the principles for planning, implementing and assessing statistical surveys, and the quality requirements that statistics should be compliant with.