
Information and services for users

Historical Archive

The Historical Archive, created in 2001, preserves all of the main documents produced by the Institute: administrative acts, methodological studies, questionnaire forms, statistical analyses, research, preparatory material for surveys, brochures and press releases, in both printed and electronic format.

Besides the function of preservation and documentation, the Historical Archive has the fundamental purpose of making its archive resources available to academics and of integrating it with those of other archives.

This is the reason why the activity is in progress: indexing of new funds which expand the electronic Inventory is currently underway; it is planned to adopt the “Sesamo” software application and consequently coordinate the archives with the network that already uses it; a search of other archives is also planned, in particular the Central State Archives, in order to digitalise documents that will fill the gaps in the Istat fund.

Since 2007 the Historical Archive has been open to the public, and makes the documents catalogued so far available to scholars.

It is possible to consult the Historical Archive on reservation and with authorisation to be handed over at the moment of the research.

To direct users in their research and guide them towards the sources or documents that are relevant to their research, a GUIDE has been set up to provide a basic overview and description of the documentation indexed until now.

The Archive staff are at users’ disposal to provide any assistance necessary for consultation of the inventories and funds.

All documents are only available in Italian.

Historical Archive

Via Cesare Balbo, 16
00184 Rome, Italy
ph. +39 06 4673.2382

For consultation
The Historical Archive can be accessed from monday to friday
by reservation:
ph. +39 06 4673.2380
cont@ct centre