
Students and teachers

Italian Statistics Olympics

The Project

The Olympics are aimed to encourage students to approach statistical reasoning, to arouse their interest in data analysis and probability, to enable them to better understand the meaning of the quantitative information they receive every day.

Who it is aimed at

The initiative is open to upper secondary school students (classes 1-4).
Students are enrolled by a contact teacher who maintains contact with Istat.
Winners in individual tests are inserted by the Ministry of Education in the “Albo nazionale delle eccellenze” (National register of excellences) managed by Indire according to the provisions of the relevant Ministerial Decree.

Two tests: one individual and a team assignment

Students first participate in the individual tests, which are usually held in January and consist of a set of multiple-choice questions, administered online, on statistics topics as set forth in the Competition Rules.

At the close of the individual phase, qualified schools are admitted to the team phase.

European statistics competition

The Italian Statistics Olympics are the national phase of the European statistics competition (ESC). The Olimpics winners (team phase) are admitted to the European competition organized by Eurostat in the collaboration with the National statistical institutes.

See videos of Italian finalists from past years in the box to the right.

ESC 2023 italian finalists

ESC23 – CAT_B – 3VIS

ESC 2023. European Phase. Finalist team in Category B

Winners edition 2022

GIOTTISTICA KnowledgeIsRevolution (Video vincitore delle Olimpiadi Europee di Statistica)

“La conoscenza è rivoluzione” video con il quale il team GIOTTISTICA del Giotto Ulivi ha vinto le Olimpiadi europee di statistica 2022.


Registration for schools and students opens in October and usually closes at the end of November. Read here the last edition deadlines.

Interested schools must register and enroll their students individually by filling out the appropriate online form.

From the 14th edition, registration procedure has been simplified; for more information, see the YouTube tutorial, accessible from the box on the right.

How to sign up?

Tutorial: Le Olimpiadi italiane di Statistica 2024

Per l’anno scolastico 2023/24 Istat e SIS organizzano la quattordicesima edizione delle Olimpiadi Italiane di Statistica.

Participating is easy!

If you are a teacher and students in your class are participating in the competition, follow the user guide of the Olympics web platform.

Insights and testimonials

Listen in the box on the right to the interview given by Laura Trocchia, at the Festival of Statistics and Demography, on the occasion of the awards ceremony for the winners of the Italian Statistics Olympics 2023.


Intervista alla vincitrice della fase individuale delle Olimpiadi Statistica 2023

Al festival della statistica 2023 abbiamo parlato con Laura Trocchia, una delle quattro studentesse che si sono classificate al primo posto per la classe frequentata alle Olimpiadi di statistica 2023.

For more information and updates on the initiative, visit the dedicated page for the 14th edition on Istat’s website.

For information: