Conference of European Statistics Stakeholders
24-25 November 2014
8.45 -18.30
– Aula Magna, Rectorate, Sapienza University of Rome – P.le A. Moro 5
– Sapienza University of Rome, Didactic Building – via Caserta 6
Event is by invitation only
Organized by FENStatS, EUROSTAT, ESAC, ISTAT, SIS-VSP and the Department of Statistical Sciences, La Sapienza University of Rome, the 1st European Conference of Statistics Stakeholders is an opportunity to enhance the dialogue between methodologists, producers, and users of European Statistics identifying users’ requirements, best practices in production, innovative ways of visualising and communicating statistics, and new methodologies for collecting and analysing data.
It is also an occasion to investigate themes of research in official statistics within the scientific community, to explore the enabling instruments such as the Horizon 2020 Research Framework Programme, compare and share best practices of production, and a good opportunity to meet national and European users of statistics.
For any further information, please visit the conference dedicated website.