Employment and unemployment 2022 indicators for Labour Market Areas in Italy
Now available Employment and Unemployment 2022 indicators for Labour Market Areas in Italy, updating the time series starting in 2006.
The basic information to produce the estimates include the Labour Force Survey and auxiliary information on resident population whereas the territorial structure is defined according to the 610 Labour Market Areas. This geographical partition is based on “self-contained” areas considering the commuting flows and have been built by Istat taking into account the results of the 15th General Census of Population and Housing, conducted in 2011. A new methodology, called Euro, developed at European level, has been applied to define the LMAs. Small area estimation methods are applied to improve the reliability of the estimates provided by the survey at LMAs level.
Labour Force Survey based indicators at Labour Market Area level include: resident population aged 15 or over, labor force, employed residents, unemployed, non-labor force, activity rate, employment rate, unemployment rate. The reference population is defined by individuals belongingto de facto households whose head resides in the selected municipality. Therefore, individuals who permanently live together, including hospices, children’s homes, religious institutes, barracks, etc. are excluded from the reference population.
It should be noted that starting with the first quarter of 2021 Labour Force Survey implements the Regulation requirements 1700/2019, which introduces changes to the definition of household and the definition of employed person using a new questionnaire. The back recalculated time series of the main labour market indicators are available.
Labour Force Survey based indicators at Labour Market Area level 2006-2022 are consistent with these LFS back recalculated time series.
Note. On 7 November 2023, at 11,45, the Tables have been revised due to an error in the procedure related to the allocations of municipalities to labour local sistem that intersect more regions
For more information
Alessandro Martini
Ph +39 06 4673.2298
Michele D’Alò
Ph +39 06 4673.2266