

10 July 2024

Trips and holidays

“Trips and holidays” is a focus included into the Households Budget Survey to collect information on tourist flows of residents. It provides a wide set […]
Reference period: Years 2014-2023
10 July 2024

Trips and holidays

“Trips and holidays” is a focus included into the Households Budget Survey to collect information on tourist flows of residents. It provides a wide set […]
Reference period: Year 2023
9 May 2023

Istat and Vodafone business: tourism statistics with mobile network data

Innovating and improving tourism statistics. This is the aim of the collaboration between Istat and Vodafone Business Italia who have carried out a study on […]

Day-time population for study and work

Istat publishes the 2017 update related to the “Day-time population for study and work – 2016” Experimental Statistics, released on 9 March 2020. Many studies […]
Reference period: Year 2017

Day-time population for study and work

Many studies on the settlement population modalities and on the urbanisation dynamics show how, in the cities, some types of non-resident populations live together with […]
Reference period: Year 2016
4 March 2019

Trips and holidays in Italy and abroad

Istat makes available an infographic on trips and holidays in Italy and abroad in 2018. Click the image to download pdf Press release Trips and […]
Reference period: Year 2018
11 February 2019

Trips and holidays in Italy and abroad

In 2018, trips with overnight stays made by residents were 78,940 million (+19.5% compared with 2017). The average duration of trips slightly dropped to 5.5 […]
Reference period: Year 2018
29 November 2018

New forms of mobility

In 2017, every day about 30 million people had to reach their working place or place of study: 35.5% travel on business and 18.5% for […]
Reference period: Year 2017
28 November 2018

Tourist flow in Italy

The National Institute of Statistics releases data on tourist flows and their features in 2017 from a supply and demand-side perspective. In 2017, around 421 million nights […]
Reference period: Year 2017
12 February 2018

Trips and holidays in Italy and abroad

Istat makes available an infographic on trips and holidays in Italy and abroad in 2017. Click the image to download pdf Press releaseTrips and holidays […]