
population census

17 May 2024

Census population

At 31.12.2022 the census population is equal to 58,997,201 people usually resident in Italian municipalities 27 JUNE 2024
Reference period: Year 2022
19 February 2021

The Italian population

Results of the Permanent Census of Population and Housing License CC-by Unless otherwise stated, content on this website is licensed under a Creative Commons License […]
Reference period: Year 2019
18 June 2015

Population size estimation

Workshop 18 June 2015 9.30 hrs Istat, Aula Magna Via Cesare Balbo, 14 – Rome On 18 June 2015 at 9.30 a.m., it will be […]
24 February 2015

Industrial districts

Istat identified 141 industrial districts in 2011 on the basis of Local market areas (LMAs, ‘labour market areas – SLL’ in Italy) and the analysis […]
Reference period: Year 2011
14 January 2015

New series of estimates on resident population

Istat releases “new series of estimates on the resident population at NUTS-2 level for the 1/1/2002-1/1/2014 period”, to be used as a reference for the […]
Reference period: 1/1/2002-1/1/2014
14 January 2015

Post enumeration survey of the Population census

The PES (Post Enumeration Survey or survey coverage) is regulated by the European Commission (Commission Regulation no. 1151/2010) that obliges Member States to provide, by […]
Reference period: Census 2011
17 December 2014

Labour Market Areas

Labour market areas (LMAs, “local labour systems” – “SLL” in Italy) are sub-regional geographical areas where the bulk of the labour force lives and works, […]
Reference period: Year 2011
27 April 2012

Preliminary results of the 15th Population

Istat presents the preliminary results of the 15th Population and Housing. Italy has a total resident population of 59.464.644, (28.750.942 males and 30.713.702 females). Italy’s […]
26 April 2012

Preliminary results of the 15° Population Census

Conference Rome, 27 April 2012 11.00 a.m. Istat, Aula Magna Via Cesare Balbo, 14 – Roma Exclusive invitation-only event Istat President Enrico Giovannini will open […]