
citizens enterprises and ICT

18 January 2019

Citizens, enterprises and Ict

In 2018, ICT technologies were the more and more widespread throughout Italy, even though a significant gap persisted compared with other EU countries, both for […]
Reference period: Year 2018
21 December 2017

Citizens, enterprises and ICT

The integrated information framework on the use of ICT technologies by citizens and enterprises shows an increasingly widespread and advanced use of these technologies in […]
Reference period: Year 2017
21 December 2016

Citizens, enterprises and ICT

To provide an integrated interpretation on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for citizens and businesses, Istat jointly disseminates the results of the […]
Reference period: Year 2016
22 December 2015

Citizens, enterprises and the ICTs

Istat disseminates the main findings of the sample surveys on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) by individuals, households and enterprises with at […]
Reference period: Year 2015
22 December 2014

ICT usage in enterprises

Istat disseminates the main findings of the survey on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in enterprises with at least 10 persons employed […]
Reference period: Year 2014
18 December 2014

Citizens and the ICTs

Every year the survey on “Aspects of daily life” provides data on households’ behaviour and relevant aspects of their daily life. The information presented today […]
Reference period: Year 2014
23 October 2014

ICT in enterprises

Istat disseminates the main findings of the survey on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in enterprises with at least 10 persons employed […]
Reference period: Year 2013
19 December 2013

Citizens and the ICTs

In 2013, the percentage of households owning a personal computer (62.8%) and access to the Internet at home (60.7%) increases as compared to 2012. Households […]
Reference period: Year 2013
3 May 2013

Citizens and the ICTs

In 2012, the percentage of households owning a personal computer (59.3%) and access to the Internet at home (55.5%) remains stable as compared to 2011, […]
Reference period: Year 2012
18 December 2012

ICT in enterprises

In 2012, 95.7% of enterprises with 10 persons employed has a Internet connection; in many economic sectors have been reached saturation levels. The 93.6% of […]
Reference period: Year 2012