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Annual national accounts

The National Institute of Statistics releases an updated version of Annual National Accounts and General Government net borrowing for 2011 and 2012. Data have been revised to take into account new, updated information concerning, in particular provisional survey data on large firms, the Balance of Payments and the State Budget Reporting.

The main results are presented in the tables below. A comprehensive set of data is available in the data warehouse I.Stat. Information about data revisions is available in the Italian version of the press release.

In 2012, GDP at current prices decreased by 0.8% to 1,567,010 million euro compared with the previous year.

The chained volume measure of GDP fell by 2.5% in 2012,after an increase of 0.5% in 2011.

The fall in GDP was mostly due to the contraction in Gross fixed capital formation (-8.3%) and in Final consumption expenditure (-3,8%), partly offset by an increase in Exports (+2.0%) and by a decrease in imports (-7.4%).

Gross disposable income of Consumers Households in real terms decreased by 4.7% and their saving rate dropped to 8.4% from 8.8% in 2011.

The gross profit share of Non-financial Corporations was 39.2%, compared with 40.5% in 2011.

General Government net borrowing was 46,974 million euro (3.0% of GDP) in 2012, with an improvement with respect to the 2011 result (-3.8% of GDP), while General Government debt reached 1,989,432 million euro (127.0% of GDP).