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Third Italian Day of Statistics

Scientific/Institutional Meeting
Rome, 21 October 2013
Istat – Aula magna
Via Cesare Balbo, 14 Rome

Event by invitation only

The third Italian Day of statistics. will be celebrated in Rome on 21 October 2013.

The initiative, sponsored and organized by the National Institute of Statistics and the Italian Institute of Statistics (SIS), aims at promoting  the development of statistical literacy through various activities for the promotion of official and public statistics throughout the national territory.

The event will see the awarding of young students winners of the national competition ‘Statistical Olympiad’ and the international competition ‘ISLP Poster Competition’, the presentation of the Training Module “Say it with a graph”, which will soon be downloadable at this address, and the launch of three new contests:

– “Facciamo statistica” (Let’s do statistics), aimed at lower secondary schools. Project Istat-Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, sponsored by the Bank of Italy;

– “Laboratorio di Statistica: bella scoperta!” (Statistics Laboratory: what an interesting discovery!), aimed at upper secondary schools. Project by Istat Advanced School of Statistics and Social and Economic Analysis, sponsored by SIS and Casio Italy Srl

– “Produrre statistica ufficiale con i Big Data” (Producing Official Statistics with Big Data), aimed at universities and research organizations. Istat-Google Study Commission on Big Data, sponsored by Google.

The morning ends with “Statistical graffiti”, an initiative which calls on students’ creativity to produce graphic and visual representations of statistical themes.

As part of the wider celebrations for the International Year of statistics – Statistics2013 – the Day will see the participation of distinguished experts, as Professor Vijay Nair, President of the International Statistical Institute (ISI). The day will close with two round tables on the themes of teaching statistics in schools and ‘Data Visualisation’ strategies.

Many activities will also be carried out at the regional level. A detailed list of them is available in the Iniziative sul territorio section (in Italian only)

Useful links

Flickr See the photos on Flickr
Flickr Video on YouTube