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Lectio magistralis by Prof

Lectio Magistralis
Rome, October 3 2013
10.00 – 12.00
Istat, Aula Magna
Via Cesare Balbo, 14 – Rome

Participation is restricted only to academics, researchers from other organizations and research institutions and field experts

On Thursday, October 3, from 10.00 in the Istat’s Aula Magna in Via Cesare Balbo, 14 – Rome, Professor Estelle Bee Dagum will hold a lecture entitled “Recent advances in time-series analysis”.

Among the top international experts of time series analyzes, Estelle Bee Dagum is the author of econometric studies of great importance for the estimation of seasonally adjusted data, such as  X11ARIMA, later modified to X12ARIMA, which is currently used by most statistical agencies of the world.

The first woman to obtain a Ph.D. in Economics from the National University of Cordoba at the early age of 24 years, Estelle Bee Dagum, has been a Professor of the Department of Statistical Sciences, called by Chiara Fama, at the University of Bologna since 1998.

The meeting inaugurates a series of Lectio Magistralis promoted by ISTAT, which will be attended by distinguished personalities of the international scientific community.

To attend the event please send an email – no later than 1 October 2013 – to, specifying which organization/institution you belong to.

Applications will be accepted subject to availability of places.


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