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Mobile version of Istat website goes online is the version of designed for using the contents of the National Institute of Statistics from a smartphone, tablet or phablet. This means that more people can use our website, by accessing it from mobile devices.

The contents of, available in Italian or English language, have been tailored to the reference target, generally younger and more dynamic than those using fixed devices, and analysing access statistics to from mobile devices.

Therefore, on the home page we have made space for the monthly consumer price index for families and blue collar workers, which is the most popular search contents in the entire Istat website, along with six graphics showing the country’s economic performance at a glance.

We have also included all Istat reports sorted by theme and by region, followed by the data published in the news, press releases, publications, databases and information on censuses and events.

In a following block, the “job opportunities” and “tenders and contracts” sections offer information for anyone looking for work in Istat. This is followed by the “glossaries and classifications” used by Istat and a link to the “for respondents” section providing all the information on current surveys.

The footer shows the icons of the social networks which Istat uses, our contact details, legal notes, internal search engine and a link to the desktop version of the site. was constructed using a “jquerymobile” framework, a tool used to create graphic interfaces for small and touch screen devices which has been widely tested by the developer community. Therefore, in order to meet user requirements and expectations, we have maintained the formatting proposed by jquerymobile, adapting the graphic design to Istat standards using themerollers.

To take advantage of mobile connections – the main feature of mobile devices – we included a geolocalization function using HTML5 containing the user’s coordinates. By clicking on the icon on the homepage, after providing the necessary authentication, you can obtain information on the geographic area where you are connecting from: demographic data on the municipality and other information available on the region.