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Consumer prices (provisional)

In March 2013, the Italian consumer price index for the whole nation (NIC) increased by 0.3% compared with the previous month and by 1.7% with respect to March 2012 (0.2 lower than in February 2013).

The sixth consecutive Italian inflation slowdown is mainly due to the annual growth rate decrease of prices of Transport (+1.7%, from +2.5% in February). This slowdown is produced by the comparison with March 2012 when large increases of energetic goods prices were recorded.

The NIC index increase with respect to February is mainly due to the rise on a monthly basis of prices of Transport (+1.0%) and Restaurant and hotel (+0.9%) on which seasonal factors had an impact.

In March 2013, the Italian harmonized index of consumer prices (HICP) increased by 2.3% compared with the previous month and by 1.8% with respect to March 2012 (0.2 lower than in February 2013).

The large increase on a monthly basis is primarily due to the end of clothing and footwear winter sales, which are not taken into account in the NIC index.

Note: On April 5, 2013, at 12,10 hrs., the full text of this press release has been replaced as a result of the revision of some NIC and HICP indices. Revision is the consequence of the February 2013 final data revision and concerns, in particular, the division Recreation and culture and the aggregate Non-durable goods. Revised data are highlighted in the text.