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4° ESSnet

Exclusive invitation-only event

On 27th and 28th April 2010 Istat will host in Rome the 4° ESSnet Workshop on the EuroGroup Register (EGR). The EGR network consist of a central system, located at Eurostat, and the national groups registers of 27 Member States and 2 Efta Countries.

The EGR network was established in 2009; the central system and the national registers began exchanging data flows at micro level, and the first consolidated population of multinational enterprise groups was produced. The EGR will further develop and it will become a tool for producing coordinated statistics on multinational groups in Europe.

On the first day the EGR will be presented to producers of statistics on multinational groups (Inward e Outward FATS, Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Trade and National Account) in order to involve them on the evaluation of the first results and on the methodological debate for the future developments. The second day will be reserved to the experts of Business Registers to discuss operational issues and provide technical updating on the data exchange.

frecciaProgramme 27th April

frecciaProgramme 28th April