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Non-EU Citizens holding a residence permit

The non-EU foreigners holding a residence permit in Italy on 1st January 2012 are over 3 million 600 thousand. From 2008 to 2011 there was an increase of approximately 102 thousand units. The most relevant citizenships are: Morocco (506,369), Albania (491,495), China (277,570), Ukraine (223,782) and Philippines (152,382).

In 2012 the share of non-EU children in Italy amounted to 23.9% of the total foreign population holding a residence permit while in 2011 they accounted for 21.5%. Children and youths (people under 18 years) born in our country are now more than 500,000, just under 60% of total.

The share of long-term permits is continuing to grow. In 2011 they were 1,638,734, and in 2012 they are 1,896,223 representing the largest part of the regular presence (52.1%).

For information:
Cinzia Conti
tel. 06 4673.7366

Domenico Gabrielli
tel. 06 4673.7334