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Air transport in Italy

The National Institute of Statistics makes available statistics on air transport for the year 2010. The survey on air transport is carried out in accordance with EC Regulation 437/2003 of the European Parliament and the Council of 27 February 2003. The survey is a census and collects information from airport management companies, with the collaboration of the National Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC). Data covers the airport traffic of aircraft, passengers, freight and mail, incoming and/or departing from domestic airports, with regard to civil aviation business. In this note the main results of the survey are presented, with reference to the comparison between the domestic and international air traffic. Methodological aspects are explained in the informative note. Definitions are included in the glossary.

In 2010, the total air traffic at the national airports recorded a positive trend: comparing to the previous year the number of aircrafts arrived and departed increased by 3.5% , passengers by 7% and cargo and mail carried by 16.9% (Table 1). As regards passengers, total increase is mainly due to the international traffic (+ 7.8%), and less because of the domestic traffic (+6%). The use of charter flights is significantly lower for the national traffic (-19.7%), and slightly less important for international market (-0.7%).

For information:

Statistics on services

Laura Leoni
Ph.  +39 06 4673.7284

Vincenzo D’Alberti
Ph.  +39 06 4673.7429