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Retail trade - October 2023

In October 2023 estimates for seasonally adjusted index of value sales grew by 0.4% in the month on month series and volume rose by 0.3%.

In three months to October 2023 value of sales fell by 0.4%, whereas volume of sales decreased by 1.3% when compared with the previous three-month period.

In October 2023 value of retail trade continued to grow for the 31th month in a row in the year on year series, rising by 0.3%, while volume sales fell by 4.0%.

In October 2023, when compared with the same month a year earlier, large-scale distribution was up 2.2%, small-scale distribution decreased by 1.8% and non-store retail sales grew by 0.5%.

After falling in September, in October 2023 online sales grew by 1.6% when compared with October 2022.

Looking at the value of sales for non-food products, data outlined a mixed picture across different categories in the year on year series. The strongest growth was reported for Cosmetic and toilet articles (+3.1%), while the largest falls were reported for Electric household appliances, audio-video equipment (-5.3%) and Clothing (-5.0%).