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Consumer and business confidence - September 2023

In September 2023, the consumer confidence index declined from 106.5 to 105.4. Looking at its components, only the personal climate improved from 101.5 to 102.2, whereas the other ones worsened. In more detail, the economic climate diminished from 121.5 to 115.2, the current one lowered from 101.4 to 100.2 and, finally, the future one went down from 114.1 to 113.2.

With reference to the business confidence climate, the index (IESI, Istat Economic Sentiment Indicator) confirmed its decrease, moving down from 106.7 to 104.9.

The confidence climate in manufacturing regressed from 97.7 to 96.4. Compared to the previous survey, both assessments on order books and expectations on production further worsened (the related balances got worse from -18.8 to -19.3 and from 2.4 to 0.3, respectively), while the level of inventories rose (the balance of the variable went up from 4.9 to 6.0).

The confidence climate in construction slightly improved from 160.2 to 160.9. Among the series included in the climate definition, assessments on order books/construction were positive (the related balance went up from 2.2 to 4.2), while expectations on employment deteriorated (the balance in this case shrank from 9.5 to 8.4).

The market services confidence climate worsened from 103.5 to 100.5. A marked pessimism emerged from assessments on order books (the balance of the variable passed from 8.6 to 3.2). The opinions on both current business trend and future volume of order books also gave less favourable indications (the related balances passed from 7.4 to 5.0 and from 6.0 to 4.5, respectively).

The retail trade confidence index was continued to get worse passing from 108.7 to 107.3. The level of inventories shrank, assessments on current business conditions further worsened and, finally, expectations on the volume of future sales became more cautious (the balances of the variables passed from 11.3 to 8.3, from 23.1 to 16.1 and from 21.9 to 21.6, respectively).