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European statistics code of practise, online the peer Review Report in Italy


Istat is pleased to inform that the Peer Review Report for Italy on compliance with the European statistics Code of Practice and further improvement and development of the National Statistical System is published.

Within the scope of the Peer Review on the implementation of the European Statistics Code of Practice – consisting of 16 principles of good practice – by the European Statistical System, Istat received the visit of the international experts from 28th November to 2nd December 2022. The Peer Review also involved four selected Other National Authorities – ONAs producing European statistics and several stakeholders, which actively participate in the visit contributing in the assessment by the Peer Reviewers of the compliance with the principles of the ES CoP.

This is the 3rd round of Peer Reviews carried out on the implementation of the European Statistics Code of Practice, the last two having been carried out in Italy in 2006 and 2015.

The Peer Reviewers visit was undertaken by an audit- like approach with a detailed analysis of main progresses and innovation and essential aspects related to the implementation of the European Statistics Code of Practice at Statistics by Istat and the four ONAs, grounded on a self-assessment and evidence-based approach of the practices and procedures applied.

The conclusions of the Peer Review for Italy contained in the Report prepared by the Reviewers highlight the advancement in the last five years, the innovative practises and also find area of improvements. The Peer Reviewers identify 20 recommendations including those in which clear actions are called to the relevant authorities to revise the National Statistical Law (Legislative Decree 322/89).

The recommendations will lead to an Improvement Action Plan, duly scheduled, involving Istat, and relevant authorities to be defined by October 2023.

Consult also the Eurostat website on this process: