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Road accidents 2022

During the year 2022, occurs a clear recovery in mobility and, as a consequence, in road accidents too, after the years in which the pandemic has seen the most acute phase. Compared to 2021, road accidents and personal injuries show an overall growth with increases concentrated above all in the months from January to July, a period for which, in 2021, traffic and mobility limitation measures were still in effect, for the containment of the virus. Since August, there was a decrease in persons injured and road accidents compared to 2021, while the deaths due to road accidents increased in August, October and December.

In 2022, 3,159 accidents deaths were registered in Italy (+9.9% compared to 2021), 223,475 were injured (+9.2%) and the number of road accidents were 165,889 (+9.2%). An increase compared to 2021, but fewer than in 2019 (road accidents and injuries, -3.7% and -7.4%, respectively). The number of deaths was relatively stable (-0.4% compared with 2019), 2,651 road users died within 24 hours after the accidents, while 508 died within the thirtieth day after the event.

Fatalities increase for all road users, compared to 2021, except for cyclists and lorries occupants. There were 1,375 deaths among the occupants of cars (+15.4%), 781 among motorcyclists (+12.4%), 70 among moped riders (+4.5%), 485 among pedestrians (+3.2 %). Among the occupants of trucks, 166 died (-1.8%), while for bicycles and electric bicycles there were 205 victims, in decrease, in respect of 2021 when they were 220 (-6.8%). On the other hand, injuries among users of electric scooters increased. Concerning the e-scooters (counted since 2020), road accidents involving them pass from 2,101 in 2021 to 2,929 in 2022, injured users since 1,980 to 2,787, while the victims (within 30 days) are 16 (in 2021 there were 9 plus a pedestrian).

Road accidents, fatalities and injuries increase across all road types, compared to 2021, but still remain below pre-pandemic levels, excluding victims on urban roads. In comparison with 2021, on motorways there was an increase for accidents (+9.7%) and for victims (+19.9%); on built up roads +9.8% for accidents and +5.5% for victims, on rural roads +7.2% for accidents and +12.2% for deaths.

In the EU27, the number of victims began to increase again in 2022 (+3.7% compared to 2021), after the drastic reduction in the two years of the pandemic (-9.1% compared to 2019). Overall, in 2022 there were 20,669 victims, against 19,932 in 2021 and 22,761 in 2019. For every million inhabitants there are 46 deaths due to road accidents in the EU27 and 54 in Italy, from 13th to 19th place in the European rankings.

Among the incorrect driving behaviours, distraction, failure to respect the right of way and too high speed are confirmed as the most frequent. The three groups represent a total of 38.1% out of the total cases (82,857), a stable value over time.

Driving too fast is the most sanctioned behaviour, in fact it represents 38.7% of the total. The penalties for failure to use seat belts, child restraint systems and a helmet are reduced. The number of penalties for improper use of devices inside the vehicles remains high and the penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs increased.

The passenger’s car market shows a sharp decline in 2022: the first registrations of cars decreased by 12.1% compared to 2021, while those of motorcycles are almost stable. On the motorway network, the average annual distance travelled by vehicles recorded a growth of 10.7% compared to 2021 and a decrease of 1.4% compared to 2019.

link Road accidents in Italy – regional data – Year 2022
(Geo-referenced data on Road mortality and Road accidents rates)

link Infographic on Road accidents in Italy Year 2022

Note. On July 27th 2023 the “Full text and methodological note” has been replaced.The change is due to a request by the Motorway Police of revising the figures of sanctions for the Article 193 of the Rood Code, contained in table 9, page 12.