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Consumer and business confidence - March 2023

In March 2023, the consumer confidence index increased from 104.0 to 105.1 thanks to a rise in the economic climate indicator (from 114.5 to 117.4), the current one (from 97.6 to 99.5), the personal one (from 100.5 to 101.0); finally, the future climate indicator remained essentially steady (from 113.4 to 113.5).

With reference to the business confidence climate, the index (IESI, Istat Economic Sentiment Indicator) grew from 109.2 to 110.2.

The confidence climate in manufacturing ameliorated from 103.0 to 104.2. Particularly, the expectations on production and the assessments on order books went up (the related balances passed from 5.7 to 8.6 and from -7.8 to -7.5, respectively) while inventories decreased (the balance of the variable passed from 4.1 to 3.9).

The confidence climate in construction went up from 157.2 to 159.1. Both the assessments on order books/construction and the expectations on employment improved (the balance of the first variable recovered from -0.4 to 0.5, while the balance of the second one progressed from 8.1 to 9.7).

The market services confidence index progressed only slightly from 103.3 to 103.8. Both assessments and expectations on order books changed for the better (the related balances passed from 7.9 to 9.0 and from 4.8 to 5.4, respectively), while assessments on business trend just got worse (the balance of the variable slipped from 8.6 to 8.4).

The retail trade confidence index confirmed its upward path passing from 114.7 to 116.0. Compared to the previous survey, the assessments on current business trend held virtually steady, while the expectations on the future volume of sales further improved (the related balances varied from 35.3 to 35.2 and from 23.0 to 26.1, respectively). Lastly, inventories were considered to have declined (the related balance slackened from 6.3 to 5.3).