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The helpline 1522 - IV Quarter 2022

The fourth quarter of 2022 continues to see a decrease in valid calls. Compared to the same quarter in 2021, this is from 11,337 calls to 9,877 in 2022 (-13%). Analysing the type of channel, the decrease in valid calls is evident in the case of phone contact (from 9,576 in 2021 to 8,131 in 2022; -15.1%), while it is negligible for chat reports (from 1,761 to 1746; -0.85%). Confirming the trend already seen in 2021, there is also a decrease in calls from victims of -11.5% (3,967 in the fourth quarter of 2021 and 3,510 in the corresponding quarter of 2022).

The decrease concerns all call reasons, with the only exception of requests for information from operators on procedures to take in case of violence, which, although residual, are steadily increasing.

Looking at the percentage composition of calls by type of reason, the request for information on the 1522 service accounts for 32.5 % of valid calls. This figure is weighed by the effect of November 25 (International Day Against Violence Against Women). Under the pressure of mass media and social media, users were more solicited to contact the service for more information on the activities provided by the public utility number.

Compared to the previous quarter (III 2022), there is an increase in valid calls of 37.6% (from 7,177 to 9,877) and an increase in these calls from victims of 29.2% (from 2,717 to 3,510).

People who called 1522 for the first time in the fourth quarter of 2022 accounted for 85.7 % of total valid calls, which appears to be increasing from previous quarters. For victims, this result is 92.8%. These latest growth figures are also affected by the influence of the November 25 media event, where the public’s attention turns out to be more drawn to debate and inform themselves on the issue of gender-based violence.

Observing the types of violence experienced, 63.5 % of victims report suffering more than one type. The data confirm what has been analysed so far; the most reported violence overall is threats (37.5 %) and psychological violence (35.7 %). When considering, however, the violence that most urges victims to contact the 1522 public utility number, physical violence (40.1 %) appears to be the most prevalent.

Also, concerning the frequency of the acts suffered, in the fourth quarter of 2022, there was a slight decrease in the number of victims who stated that they have been experiencing violence for years (52.3%), while the figure for requests for help from victims who have experienced only one or a few episodes of violence continues to be around 10-11%.

The statement that victims make to the 1522 operators shows that most do not report the violence they have suffered to the competent authorities. Only 14.5 % in the fourth quarter of 2022 reported the violence they suffered (399 victims). Moreover, this figure is slightly down from previous quarters.

The 1522 service continues to play an essential function as a territorial link between services supporting those who turn to it, connecting victims with the nearest available protection services. However, in the fourth quarter of 2022, there was a decrease in the percentage of victims referred to a territorial service (68.1 %). Of the victims referred to a territorial service, 93.6 % (or 2,237 victims) were committed to an Anti-Violence Centre; data, on the other hand, remains stable compared to previous quarters.

The tables made available report information on:

  • the profile of victims contacting the service by region,
  • the timing of calls by day of the week and time of day,
  • the main places where the violent act occurs, as well as the effects it has generated directly on victims and their children.

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Alessandra Capobianchi

Claudia Villante

Maria Giuseppina Muratore