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Environmental protection expenditure

Istat releases the time series on environmental protection expenditure (2016-2020) on I.Stat data warehouse – ‘National accounts’ theme, ‘Environmental accountsEnvironmental protection expenditure’ sub-theme.

The environmental protection expenditure account measures how much households, corporations and general government spend to purchase environmental protection (EP) services, the investments carried out by producers of EP services for the market and the whole amount of expenditure carried out for own account EP activities. Included are net transfers for environmental protection to the rest of the world.

Data derived from the account, calculated on the basis of European standards for monetary environmental accounts, are consistent with national accounts concepts and principles (ESA 2010) and can be directly compared with macroeconomic aggregates, namely GDP, investments, intermediate and final consumption.

The time series were revised due to innovations and improvements in methods and data sources. Due to the revisions, the time series are available from 2016 onwards and are not comparable with previous editions.

For the first time, in compliance with the requirements of the Commission Delegated Regulation (Eu) No 125/2022 (amending Regulation No 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts), data cover the intermediate consumption of environmental protection services as well; moreover, each aggregate is available for the following classes or grouping of classes of the Classification of Environmental Protection Activities and expenditures (CEPA): protection of ambient air and climate; wastewater management; waste management; protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water; noise and vibration abatement; protection of biodiversity and landscape; protection against radiation, research and development, other environmental protection activities.

The main data sources are national accounts – primarily Supply and Use tables and General Government expenditure by function accounts – as well as data on enterprises’ environmental protection expenditure collected through the Survey on Economic and financial accounts of large enterprises and the Survey on small and medium enterprises.

The time series are also available on IstatData, the new database where all the contents of I.Stat will be progressively migrated. Until the complete data transfer the two systems will both operate.

Note: At 1 p.m. on April 3, 2023 due to a technical error, it was necessary to replace in the database  I.stat and in the data browser IstatData the time series for the aggregates “import of environmental protection services” and “export of environmental protection services” for total environmental protection activities (CEPA).

For information

Angelica Tudini
ph. +39 06 4673.3136