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The helpline 1522 - III Quarter 2022

Istat provides information regarding requests for help to the 1522 public utility number against violence against women and stalking for the fourth quarter of 2022. The historical series of quarterly data starts from the first quarter of 2018. The Public Utility Number is promoted and managed by the Department of Equal Opportunity (DPO) at the Prime Minister’s Office. Information collected by the Public Utility Number Against Violence and Stalking provides evidence related to monitoring the phenomenon of domestic violence, especially with respect to the trend of requests for help.

Compared to the second and third quarters of 2021, in the corresponding quarters of 2022 there is a decrease in valid calls (from 8.508 to 7.562, -11 % for the second quarter; from 8.217 to 7.177, -12,6% for the third quarter); a decrease that is of the same intensity for contacts via telephone, which decrease from 7.210 to 6.243 (-13,1%) in the second quarter and from 6.815 to 5.811 (-14,7%) in the third quarter.  Via chat the decline in contacts is smaller in the third quarter; from 1.402 to 1.366, -2,6%; while for the second quarter there is an increase of +1,6%. In the second quarter, among the reasons for calls there continued to be an increase in both 1522 inquiries, which increased from 2.231 to 2.319 (+4,7%), and in requests for help not strictly related to violence (off-target requests) from 428 to 1.136 (+165%), while all calls for other types of reasons were down. In the third quarter, the increase in requests for information on 1522 is smaller (+1,5%; from 2.006 to 2.319) while there is a decrease in off-target calls (-2,4%; from 1.142. to 1.136).

Calls from victims also decreased (from 4.243 to 2.716; -35% for the second quarter; from 3.752 to 2.717; -27,6% for the third quarter). The noticeable decrease in calls from victims started consistently already in the previous quarters of 2021.

Analyzing comparisons with the directly previous quarter (II quarter 2022 on the first 2022 and III quarter 2022 on the second) shows a decrease in valid calls (-3,2% and -5,1% respectively). There is also an initial decrease of -8,4% for victims, while the change between the third and second quarters shows stability.

Analyzing the percentage composition of valid calls by reason for calling, there is an increase in the weight of calls for help from 28,4% in first quarter 2022 to 29,5% in the third quarter; still declining are calls for information on the 1522 service (from 30,5% in the first quarter to 28,3% in the third quarter).

People who called 1522 for the first time in the second and third quarters of 2022 were 82,3%, which is slightly lower than in previous quarters and compared to the same periods in 2021. Among victims, this rate is increasing and reaches 92,9 % for the third quarter.

Victims who contacted 1522 and reported experiencing multiple types of violence accounted for 67,4% of cases in the second quarter and 65,3% in the third quarter. The data for the second and third quarters of 2022 continue to confirm what has been analyzed so far, which is that when victims contact 1522 most frequently they report physical violence as the main violence they experience, but considering all forms of violence experienced, psychological violence is the most frequent.

In the third quarter of 2022, more than 53,2% of victims report that they have been experiencing violence for years, which is a decrease from the second quarter of 2022 (55,8%). Starting in I quarter 2022, the number for requests for help from victims who have experienced a few or one episode of violence has been around 10-11%.

The 1522 service continues to play an important function as a territorially-based link between between services supporting those who turn to it: the percentage of victims who were referred to a territorial service in the second quarter of 2022 was increasing (76,1%), the data for the third quarter (73,2%) declined slightly. Of the victims referred to a territorial service, for both quarters, about 93,5% (1.940 and 1.858 victims, respectively) were referred to an anti-violence center.

The tables report information: on the type of service users articulated regionally, the timing of calls, the places and forms of violence, and the effects generated by violence both directly on victims and on their children (witnessing violence), reporting, where available, socio-anagraphic information details and providing indications of call outcomes.

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Alessandra Capobianchi

Claudia Villante

Maria Giuseppina Muratore