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International classification of crimes

The International Classification of Crime for Statistical purposes (ICCS), proposed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and crime (UNODC), intends to provide a complete framework for producing statistics on crimes and criminal justice. The basic classification unit is the event that constitutes a crime and the description of the act is based on the behavior and not on the legal provisions in the various nations.

Within the Sistan Quality Circle (National Statistical System) on Justice and Security, the institutions and agencies that produce and/or process criminal judicial data have set up a working group (the partners) link to implement the ICCS. The group has produced transcoding tables that allow the individual elements of the catalog of offenses that constitute crimes or offenses to be directly linked to the international classification ICCS.

The group is responsible for validating the updating of the thesaurus with the new laws of Italian legislation and at the same time implementing the correspondence in the ICCS.