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Synthetic classification of crimes

The so-called “synthetic” Italian classification of crimes used by Istat groups the elements of the catalog of crimes that constitute crimes, according to the “good”, worthy of criminal legal protection, which is violated.

In order to group them, an intermediate code (codefin) is used. Each article of the penal code in the catalog, as well as the complementary rules included in it, is assigned one of these codes that facilitates the aggregation of the classification into categories.

The items of the “synthetic” classification are based on the titles and sections of the Criminal Code for groupings on several hierarchical levels, even if not all complete levels, with the specification of some more important detailed items. The items of crime that are not part of the criminal code are represented, by “subject”.

The synthetic classification, together with the analytical or detailed classification of the crimes, is the basis of the “crime statistics”, as the statistics of criminal proceedings registered in the public prosecutors offices.

The dissemination of data takes place not only through periodical publications but also through the I.stat database.