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Trends in the italian agricultural economy and legislation

In 2021 agriculture, forestry and fishing, which the previous year had distinguished itself as one of the sectors least affected by lockdowns, did not benefit from the general climate of recovery that characterized the second of the Covid-19 pandemic year.

The non-agricultural production (secondary activities, in particular agritourism), most affected by the health crisis, marked a consistent recovery, but it was compromised by adverse climatic events that penalized the agricultural year.

The production volumes of crops were particularly affected, while a good result was recorded for the livestock sector.

The general sensitive rise in prices has sustained the value of production but has led to a worsening of the terms of trade it has sector operators penalized.

The war in Ukraine, which has been going on for over two months, has nullified all possible predictions: the tightening of the price increases of energy raw materials and the new supply difficulties of companies, in addition to the pre-existing supply bottlenecks, could have long-term consequences for Italian agriculture.