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Noi Italia


The new web publication presents the update of over 100 statistical indicators relating to our country, providing an overview of the environmental, demographic, economic and social aspects of Italy, its regional differences and its place in the European context.

The 2022 edition disseminates a new indicator in the Environment sector: Water withdrawn for potable use per capita (cubic meters per inhabitant).

The indicators are organised in 6 areas and 19 sectors and they are described by interactive graphics, sectorial glossaries, references to publications and useful links, with the possibility of exporting the entire database and its metadata.

Moreover, the dashboard allows to customise a data table for each sector and territory (Italy, Regions, Europe). All the tables can be downloaded in csv format.

Finally, short introductory texts and a few “information pills” for each sector allow for a synthetic reading level, while the files in pdf format meet the need of those who prefer a more traditional text and graph consultation to web browsing.

At the moment the web application is available only in Italian.

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