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Labour discrimination towards LGBT+ people

Istat and UNAR (National Anti-Racial Discrimination Office) present the main results of the survey on labour discrimination against LGBT+ people (in civil union or formerly in union), which is one of the surveys included in the research project “Labour discrimination against LGBT+ people and diversity policies implemented in companies”. The aim is to provide an informative picture of the diffusion and perception of the different forms of discrimination, threats and aggression that LGBT+ people in Italy may have suffered, at work and in other contexts of life.

The survey, carried out in 2020-2021, was addressed to over 21,000 Italian residents who, as of 1 January 2020, were in civil union or formerly in civil union (due to dissolution of the union or death of the partner), considering both civil unions celebrated in Italy and the transcriptions of unions (or similar institution) celebrated abroad.

The results of this survey cannot therefore be considered representative of the entire homosexual and bisexual population. People in civil unions are indeed a collective with particular characteristics, made up of individuals who wanted to make use of the tools provided by the legal framework to have their status as a legally recognised couple.

The first part of the report illustrates the main socio-demographic characteristics of people in civil union or formerly in union who declare themselves to be homosexual or bisexual, and investigates the possible disadvantages in the working environment that the interviewees attribute to their sexual orientation, with a particular focus on coming out and micro-aggressions at work.

The second part focuses on the experiences of discrimination that people in civil union or formerly in union, homosexuals and bisexuals, state they have experienced in Italy in the workplace; these are events or situations in which the person feels they have been treated less favourably than others because of certain characteristics (e.g. foreign origins, health conditions, religious beliefs or political ideas, gender, sexual orientation, etc.). In particular, discrimination that respondents report having suffered while looking for a job or while working as an employee, situations in which a hostile atmosphere was perceived or threats or aggression occurred were investigated. With reference to the last situation of discrimination experienced, the reasons that the interviewees believe caused it are analysed.

The third part gives a general picture of the discrimination suffered in different contexts of daily life (e.g. finding a house, access to social and health services and use of public services) and that the interviewees believe to be linked to their sexual orientation. In addition, an initial representation is offered of the respondents’ perception of the phenomenon of discrimination linked to sexual orientation and gender identity in Italy, and of the actions considered relevant to adopt in favour of LGBT+ people.