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GDP and General Government net borrowing

 In 2021 GDP at current prices grew by 7.5% (to 1,781,221 million euro) compared with the previous year. The chained volume measure of GDP increased by 6.6%.

Gross fixed capital formation rose in volume by 17.0%, final consumption expenditure by +4.1% and exports by +13.3%. Imports of goods and services increased by 14.5%.

National demand (excluding changes in inventories) has contributed to GDP growth by +6.2 percentage points  and net exports by +0.2 points. The contribution of changes in inventories was positive for 0.2 percentage points.

Value added in volume increased by 11.9% in mining and quarrying, manufacturing and other industrial activities, by 21.3% in construction and by 4.5% in services, while it decreased by 0.8% in agriculture, forestry and fishing.

General Government net borrowing was -127,389 million euro: -7.2 % of GDP, compared with -9.6 % in 2020.

Primary balance (General Government net borrowing net of interests) was -3.6% of GDP (-6.1% in 2020).