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Material flow accounts

Istat regularly disseminates data on the physical flows accounts under Regulation (EU) No. 691/2011, through the I.Stat data warehouse. These data are consistent with the economic data of the Italian national accounts and therefore suitable for integrated economic-environmental analysis.

The data made available focus on economic wide material flow. The main aggregated indicators include domestic material consumption (DMC), direct material input (DMI), domestic extraction (UMDEXT) as well as the imports (IMP) and exports (EXP) to and from abroad.

The indicators domestic material consumption (DMC), net import (PTB) and domestic extraction of raw material by macro-category (UMDEXT) are also made available at regional level. On the regional context, the net import (PTB) is calculated as the difference between the physical imports, coming from abroad and from other regions, and the physical exports, towards abroad and other Italian regions.

The domestic material consumption (DMC) indicator, which has shown a slight decline in recent years, is calculated as the sum of the total amount of material extracted and processed in the economy (UMDEXT) (biomass, non-energy minerals and fossil fuels) and the balance of the physical trade balance (PTB). This indicator is useful for defining and monitoring policies on sustainable development in national and international contexts, for monitoring the domestic processed materials released into the environment or accumulated in anthropogenic stocks, and for measuring the circular economy as well as sustainable and equitable well-being (BES).


For information:

Final demand, labour and capital input, environmental accounts Division

Aldo Femia

Flora Fullone
REF – Ufficio Territoriale AREA SUD