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Production and expenditure for environmental purposes

Istat releases the time series on the supply of environmental goods and services (2014-2019) as well as on expenditure for environmental protection (2008-2020) on I.Stat warehouse – ‘National accounts’ theme, ‘Environmental accounts’ sub-theme.

The time series released are consistent with the update and revision of input data concerning years 2014-2019 for the environmental goods and services account (EGSS) and years 2017-2020 for the environmental protection expenditure account (EPEA).

The two monetary environmental accounts supply information on the activities and actions carried out each year by the socio-economic system in order to mitigate the pressure of economic activities on the environment.

The environmental goods and services sector account, also known as ecoindustries’ account, measures output, value added, exports and employment related to the supply of environmental products, i.e. goods and services that fulfill (or whose use fulfills) the purpose of prevention, reduction and elimination of pollution and any other environmental degradation (environmental protection) or preservation, maintenance and enhancement of natural resources (resource management).

The environmental protection expenditure account measures how much households, corporations and general government spend to purchase environmental protection (EP) services, the investments carried out by producers of EP services for the market and the whole amount of expenditure carried out for own account EP activities. Included are net transfers for environmental protection to the rest of the world.

Data derived from both accounts, calculated on the basis of European standards for monetary environmental accounts, are consistent with national accounts concepts and principles (ESA 2010) and can be directly compared with macroeconomic aggregates, namely GDP, households’ consumption, investments, exports, employment.

For information
Federica Battellini
ph. + 39 06 4673.3149

Angelica Tudini
ph. +39 06 4673.3136