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Quarterly non-financial sector accounts

The Quarterly non-financial General Government (GG) account and the other figures presented in this press release are desumed from the Quarterly non-financial sector accounts. Data on Households and Non-financial corporations are commented in seasonally adjusted form, data on the GG are unadjusted.

The annual sector accounts presented in the last press release (22 September 2021) were revised to incorporate a revision in Balance of payments data. A synthesis of revised data is given in this press release while the whole data set is available for download on the institutional data wharehouse.

In the second quarter of 2021 the GG net borrowing to GDP ratio was -7.6% (-12.9% in the same quarter of the previous year). The primary balance was negative, its ratio to GDP standing at -3.6% (-8.7% in the second quarter of 2020). The current balance was also negative, with a GDP ratio of -1.0% (-8.0% in the same period of 2020).

The tax burden ratio stood at 41.9% of GDP, 0.5 percentage points lower than the same quarter of 2020.

Gross disposable income of consumer households increased by 0.5% with respect to the previous quarter. In real terms gross disposable income increased by 0.1% for the negative impact of price dinamics (+0.4% the implicit deflator of household final consumption expenditure). The saving rate was 12.9%, 4.1 percentage points lower than in the first quarter of 2021.

The profit share of non-financial corporations was 42.2%, 0.4 percentage points lower than in the previous quarter. The investment rate of non-financial corporations was 22.2%, showing an slight decrease with respect to the previous quarter (-0.1 percentage points).