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Industrial turnover

In March 2021 the seasonally adjusted turnover index increased by 1.6% compared to the previous month (+2.0% the domestic market and +0.6% in non-domestic market); the first quarter increased by 3.5% compared to the last quarter of the previous year (+3.3% in domestic market and +3.7% in non-domestic market).

With respect to the same month of the previous year the calendar adjusted industrial turnover index increased by 38.1% (+45.7% in domestic market and +25.1% in non-domestic market). Calendar working days in March 2021 were 23, one more than March 2020.

The seasonally adjusted volume turnover index (only for the manufacturing sector) increased by 0.8% compared to the previous month and by 1.8% in the first quarter 2021 compared to the previous one. The calendar adjusted volume turnover index increased by 34.4% with respect to the same month of the previous year.

Starting from the current press release, dissemination of calendar adjusted data is extended till NACE divisions, for domestic, non-domestic and total indices. Moreover, since the press release of January 2021 (issued on 23rd, March) the new orders survey, and therefore new orders data publication, have been discontinued (see page 6 of the methodological note).