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Consumer and business confidence

In November 2020, the consumer confidence worsened from 101.7 to 98.1. The deterioration was registered in particular for the economic and the future indices which passed from 87.2 to 79.3 and from 104.0 to 98.8, respectively. As for the other components, the personal climate went down from 106.4 to 104.7 and the current one from 99.9 to 97.4.

With regard to the business confidence climate, the index (IESI, Istat Economic Sentiment Indicator) reduced drastically from 92.2 to 82.8.

The confidence index in manufacturing regressed from 94.7 to 90.2. Both the balance on the current trend of order books and the one on the future developments in production reduced passing from -26.7 to -28.8 and from -0.6 to -10.7, respectively. Finally, as for inventories, the balance of the variable rose from 2.6 to 3.1.

The confidence index in construction slackened from 142.5 to 136.8. Both index component balances went down. More specifically, the one on the order books/construction lessened from -15.0 to -17.2 and the one on the employment expectations diminished from 3.2 to -2.1.

The market services confidence index tumbled from 87.5 to 74.7. With regard to the variables included in the index definition, the balance of expectations on order books slumped from -7,7 to -25.8, the one of assessments on order books fell from -9.3 to -19.3 and, finally, the one of assessments on current business trend dropped from -10.8 to -22.7.

The retail trade confidence index changed for the worse, passing from 98.9 to 95.2. The opinions on the current business activity bettered, while the expectations for the future volume of sales plummeted (the related balances varied from -0.5 to 10.4 and from 14.3 to -10.8, respectively). Moreover, the firms indicated a reduction of the stock level. The breakdown of the data showed that the worsening was not registered for both distribution channels. The index slumped from 103.8 to 78.8 in the small and medium scale distribution, but actually improved from 96.8 to 102.1 in the large scale one.