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Consumer and business confidence

In September 2020, the consumer confidence increased from 101.0 to 103.4. The improvement in confidence was spread across all of its components. In particular, the economic climate bettered from 90.5 to 94.9, the personal one from 104.9 to 107.1, the current one from 98.1 to 100.2 and, finally, the future one from 105.6 to 109.5.

For what concerns the business confidence climate, the index (IESI, Istat Economic Sentiment Indicator) confirmed the increase, passing from 81.4 to 91.1.

The confidence index in manufacturing rose from 87.1 to 92.1 backed by more optimism both about current trend of order books and about future developments in production (the related balances passed from -40.9 to -34.9 and from -3.0 to 1.6, respectively). Furthermore, stocks were considered to have diminished and the related balance declined from 7.7 to 4.1.

The confidence index in construction got better from 132.6 to 138.6. In particular, the balance of assessments on order books/construction recovered from -25.7 to -18.6 and the one of employment expectations improved slightly passing from 1.0 to 1.7.

The market services confidence index increased from 75.1 to 88.8. All its components recovered: the balance of assessments on order books from -30.1 to -10.4, the one related to business trend from -33.3 to -12.3 and, finally, the one of expectations on order books from -2.9 to -1.2.

The retail trade confidence index improved from 94.3 to 97.4. In a situation characterized by a sharp recovery of the balance on the current sales (from -24.8 to -3.6), the opinions on future business activity appeared less favourable (the balance of the variable diminished from 19.6 to 11.7) and inventories were judged to be increasing (the related balance passed from 5.4 to 9.1). Finally, the confidence surged in the small and medium scale distribution (from 81.9 to 96.7) and declined in the large scale one (from 98.5 to 97.4).