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Monthly report on Italian economy no

In the second quarter, the World GDP decreased sharply mostly due to the lockdown effects. After the fall in March and April, however the monthly indicators signalled a progressive recovery of the economic activity in many countries.

Following a contraction in Q2, World merchandise trade rebounded in June.

The Italian GDP fell in the second quarter but the monthly indicators starting from May underline a recovery.

In June industrial production, manufacturing new orders and external trade continued to recovery. Exports increased both in Eu and extra Eu markets.

In August business confidence confirmed the positive trend diffused to all sectors although with various intensity.

After a drop in the second quarter, in July employment and worked hours recovered while unemployment rose.

In August, the consumer price negative trend increased and yearly figure falls back to its lowest value since April 2016.

The monthly report includes an analysis on Italian productivity and investment illustrating key issues that would be important to address in the framework of the Recovery Plan.