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Museum routes in Italy in 2018

Road routes that connect the museums and similar institutions surveyed by the Istat survey 2018 form the museum routes presented here, the routes are enriched with information on places of culture and tourism from official statistics or institutional sources.

The methodology with which they are built was already tested on the data of the survey Museums and similar institutions 2015, and disseminated in the form of experimental statistics. Through a GIS procedure, the 107 start point museums, chosen as structures with the largest number of visitors in each Unità Territoriali Sovracomunali (UTS) (NUTS 3: the provinces, the metropolitan cities, the free consortia of municipalities or the former provinces of Friuli-Venezia Giulia) are connected to all museums located up to 30 minutes away by car. The tracts of road cross a set of communal territories in which there are villages, protected natural areas and UNESCO sites. These territories are also characterized from the point of view of the tourists who attend them and the population that inhabits them, all potential users of museums and their natural and cultural heritage.

The routes here presented (in Italian) are very different from each other, some are particularly rich in museums and other types of cultural heritage, some are concentrated in a single center and others are distributed along many kilometers trough the territory, beyond the boundaries of the UTS and the reference regions. In some cases, the paths overlap with each other, elsewhere they are isolated. Local public administrators, decision-makers, cultural, tourism entrepreneurs, and economic operators will find in this integrated geographical vision a useful support for their work.

Each route is mapped and described in a summary card that presents a series of indicators on the context, the type of museums and the tourist attitude of the route (also shapefile).