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Consumer and business confidence

In June 2020, the consumer confidence index went back up from 94.3 to 100.6. The improvement in confidence involved all of its components. In particular, the economic climate bettered from 72.9 to 87.2, the personal one from 100.9 to 104.5, the current one from 95.0 to 96.4 and, finally, the future one from 93.1 to 105.6.

Concerning the business confidence climate, the index (IESI, Istat Economic Sentiment Indicator) grew from 52.7 in May to 65.4.

The confidence index in manufacturing increased from 71.5 to 79.8. More specifically, both the assessments on order books and the expectations on production recuperated (the balances passed from -64.0 to -55.6 and from -25.9 to -8.5, respectively). Lastly, the balance of assessments on inventories moved from 6.2 to 8.2.

The confidence index in construction improved from 108.4 to 124.0. Both its components bettered: the assessments on order books/construction plans from -46.7 to -33.4 and the employment expectations from -10.1 to -2.8.

The market services confidence index increased from 38.9 in May to 51.7. All of its components went back up. In detail, the balance of assessments on order books increased from -69.3 to -66.8, the one related to business trend from -64.8 to -64.0 and, finally, the one of expectations on order books from -44.8 to -8.3.

The retail trade confidence index rose from 68.0 to 79.1. The assessments on the current sales deteriorated slightly while the expectations on the future ones recuperated significally (the balances passed from -45.9 to -47 and from -16.0 to 9.7 respectively). As for inventories, the balance went down from 29.3 to 19.8. The retail trade confidence improved both in the small and medium scale distribution (from 61.5 to 73.5) and in the large scale one (from 71.5 to 81.5).

The ongoing health emergency has slightly disturbed the June 2020 data collection phase. The management of the disturbances, which allowed the processing and dissemination of the June 2020 data, is explained in the Methodological Note on page 12.