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Monthly report on Italian economy no

Global economy remained on a moderate growth path. Recently, however, the international framework changed due to escalation of geopolitical turbulences in the Middle East. The economic impact of these changes is now difficult to be quantified.

In November, the Italian industrial production, after two following falls, increased marginally (+0.1% from October).

In November, the estimate of employed people increased, reaching an historical peak. The employment growth was the result of an increase among women and a marginal improvement among men. The unemployment rate remained at 9.7%.

In December the Italian consumer price index for the whole nation (NIC) raised but on average, in 2019, Italian price dynamics was about the half of its main European partners’ ones.

Recent qualitative indicators gave positive signals: both consumer and business confidence improved.

The leading indicator remained on a negative path, suggesting that the short-term perspectives for Italian production are still weak