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Consumer and business confidence

In December 2019, the consumer confidence index went up from 108.6 to 110.8. The improvement in confidence reflected the positive trend of all its components. More specifically, the economic climate bettered from 116.5 to 120.7, the current one from 106.8 to 108.8, the personal one from 105.8 to 106.8 and, finally, the future one from 110.2 to 112.2.

As for the business confidence climate, the index (IESI, Istat Economic Sentiment Indicator) improved passing from 99.2 to 100.7.

The confidence index in manufacturing slightly increased (from 99.0 to 99.1). The assessments on order books bettered (the related balance passed from -18.8 to -17.1), while the expectations on production declined (from 5.0 to 4.3). The assessments on inventories passed from 3.8 to 4.5.

The confidence index in construction went up from 137.1 to 140.1. Looking at its components, both the assessments on order books/construction plans and the employment expectations bettered: the balance of the first variable moved from -14.7 to -12.8 and the one of the second from -4.2 to -2.1.

The market services confidence index heightened from 99.7 to 102.2. All its components bettered. More specifically, the assessments on order books and on business trend improved (the related balances rose from -0.8 to 2.2 and from 4.6 to 7.0 respectively); the expectations on order books went up (balance from 6.4 to 8.8).

The retail trade confidence index increased, passing from 108.3 to 110.9. With reference to the variables included into the definition of confidence, assessments on current sales improved while expectations on the future business activity worsened (the related balances passing from 13.2 to 22.0 the first and from 27.7 to 24.9 the second). As for inventories, the related balance diminished from 8.4 to 6.3. The retail trade confidence slightly improved in the small and medium scale distribution (passing from 100.3 to 100.4) and went up positively in the large scale one (from 111.6 to 114.7).