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Final balance sheets of local governments

The total revenue assessed by municipalities during fiscal year 2017 was estimated at 81,701 million euros. This general total does not include the revenue of third-party contractors. Current revenue assessed was equal to 62.376 million euros (76.3 percent of total assessed revenue).

In 2017 the overall total for expenditure commitments was estimated to be 76,556 million euros. Total payments amounted to 76,030 million euros with a spending capacity of 76.6 percent. For the previous year, commitments presented a decrease (-3.2 percent), payments grew up by +0.4 percent, with an increased spending capacity (+2.0 percentage points).

More than half of current expenditures was devoted to the purchase of goods and services (54.6 percent) and 25.6 percent to compensation of employees. Other current expenditures absorbed the residual part.

In 2017 total assessments as net of clearing accounts were equal to 9,121 million euros, reflecting a decrease over the previous financial year. This figure represented a substantial fall in capital revenue, advances from institute treasurer / cashier, opening of lines of credit and current revenue. Revenue for decrease of financial assets grew up. Current revenue assessed totaled 7.845 million euros (86.0 percent of total assessed revenue) and capital revenue was equal to 751 million euros (-21.3 percent compared with the previous year).

Provinces and metropolitan cities adopted a total of 9,199 million euros of expenditure commitments during fiscal year 2017 (-9.0 percent compared with the previous year). Commitments for current expenditures fell down by 8.0 percent, decreasing from 7,944 to 7,312 million euros. A 13,6 percent decrease relative to the previous year was registered for capital commitments while expenditures for the increase of financial assets registered a strong increase (+50,%).

For information

Domenico Passante
Ph. +39 06 4673.6029