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  5. Households and labour market

Households and labour market

In 2018, 18,823 million households had at least one member aged 15-64 (72.6% of 25,926 millionĀ households residing in Italy). Among these, 15,374 million had at least one employed person.

Participation in the labor market within the households was affected by the economic crisis which, especially between 2008 and 2013, halted the positive trend of previous years and conditioned the recovery in the subsequent ones. In 2018, the share of households with at least one employed person (81.7%) returned close to 2008 level (82.3%).

The recovery of pre-crisis levels occurred in all northern regions, while it has not yet been achieved in the South and Islands. Among the southern regions the lowest shares were estimated in Calabria (67.6%) and in Sicily (67.9%), where the most marked distances were recorded compared with 2008 (-5.2 and -4.7 points percentages).

For information

Silvia Montecolle
Ph. +39 06 4673.2941

Elisa Marzilli
Ph. +39 06 4673.2147