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Monthly report on Italian economy no

Risks related to the international economy outlook remain to the downside, considering the ongoing trade conflicts between China and the United States, the uncertain outcome of Brexit and the generalised slowdown of the World trade.

Chinese economy, one of the main drivers of global growth, is showing signals of deceleration.

In January, according to CPB data, the merchandise World trade in volume increased by 2.3% (-2.1% in December) but global leading indicators still point downwards.

In Italy, the industrial production index is back on a positive pattern as well as the industrial orders.

February data confirmed a substantial stability of the Italian labour market conditions and unemployment increased only marginally.

The euro are inflation decelerated but the inflation differential in favor of Italy is confirmed.

Consumers and manufacturing firms confidence deteriorated further. The leading indicator continued to decrease although at a decelerating pace showing that Italian economy perspectives are uncertain.